Facing challenges beyond your control? Seek help!
Jesus Helpline: Facing challenges beyond your control? Seek help!


The Parables of Jesus

The parables of Jesus are more than just simple stories; they are profound lesso...

The Story of Joshua - Be strong and courageous

Be strong and courageous like Joshua. The Story of Joshua in the Bible is a rema...

We believe in making disciples without slavery.
We believe in making disciples without slavery.

Uplift Devotional - Financial Restoration

In times of financial hardship, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain...

Uplift Devotional - Overcoming Obstacles

In our journey of life, we often encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable. R...

Compassion International updates its ongoing response t...

Ahead of World Hunger Day, Compassion International updates its ongoing response...

Bible Gateway

Bible Gateway is a searchable online Bible tool hosting more than 200 versions o...

Uplift Devotional - Finding Strength in God

Life is full of challenges and surprises that can often leave us feeling drained...

Compassion International Commemorates the Third Anniver...

Compassion International Commemorates the Third Anniversary of the 2021 Haiti Ea...

Uplift Devotional - Trusting God’s Plan

Life often presents us with unexpected challenges and uncertainties, which can b...

Important scriptures

Important scriptures - for the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper t...

Uplift Devotional - Walking In The Light

The darkness of our mistakes and brokenness surrounds us, leaving us desperate f...

The Day Of Triumph!

The Day Of Triumph in Jesus - as the first light of dawn broke through the hori...

Genesis 2 - Audio, PDF and Printable versions

Free Audio Bible, PDF and Printable versions without distractions. The Book of G...

Genesis 1 - Audio, PDF and Printable versions

Free Bible, and easy commentaries without distractions. The Book of Genesis 1, t...

Genesis 4

SGTJ: Free Bible reading, and easy commentaries without distractions. The Book o...

Genesis 3

SGTJ: Free Bible reading, and easy commentaries without distractions. The Book o...

Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
SGTJ - We believe in unity, Jesus' love, and service.
SGTJ - We believe in unity, Jesus' love, and service.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

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