Facing challenges beyond your control? Seek help!
Jesus Helpline: Facing challenges beyond your control? Seek help!


The Power of Innovative Virtual Supportive Communities

The Power of Innovative Virtual Supportive Communities - To create a truly equit...

The Global Hunger and Malnutrition Crisis: A Persistent...

The world is facing a severe hunger and malnutrition crisis, with millions of pe...

We believe in making disciples without slavery.
We believe in making disciples without slavery.

Social Entrepreneurial Opportunity in Food Sustainabili...

As part of our Social Entrepreneurial Opportunity in Food Sustainability and Sec...

Seeking Agents Of Upliftment

Seeking Agents Of Upliftment - who would you like to uplift? Be an Agent of Upli...

A Call to Unity, a Call to Oneness: Resist Deception an...

As humans, we must get united, transcending all earthly distinctions, and embody...

The Surprising Benefits of Cooked Pineapple Peel

The Surprising Benefits of Cooked Pineapple Peel or Pineapple skin. Pineapples a...

Good Samaritan - Volunteering and working from home opp...

Become SGTJ Volunteer - Contribute your time and skills from the comfort of your...

Join Us as a Sponsor of Upliftment

Become A Sponsor of Upliftment - Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Liv...

Direct Upliftment Support - Get uplifted with dignity, ...

Direct Upliftment Support - Giving back to those who need it most! Introducing a...

Embracing and caring for nature for our wellbeing, as a...

Let's seize every opportunity to nurture and preserve nature, recognizing it as ...

Some key items to include in your Disaster Ready kit, a...

A Disaster Ready kit, also known as an emergency supply kit, is a collection of ...

Preparedness in Uncertain Times

Preparedness in Uncertain Times: Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, pandemics...

211 LA (or 211 LA County)

211 LA (or 211 LA County) is the hub for community members and community organiz...

Boost Your Mood and Get Uplifted During Challenging Times

Taking care of yourself during the darker months is essential for maintaining yo...

SAMHSA - In Crisis? Call or Text 988

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisi...

Jesus Helpline - Virtual Helpline for all ages and races

Facing challenges beyond your control? You don't have to do it alone; seek help...

Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
SGTJ - We believe in unity, Jesus' love, and service.
SGTJ - We believe in unity, Jesus' love, and service.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

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