Facing challenges beyond your control? Seek help!
Jesus Helpline: Facing challenges beyond your control? Seek help!

Environment & Sustainability

Embrace a 'Dress Less' Lifestyle to Promote a More Sust...

Embracing a 'Dress Less' Lifestyle. By adopting these practices, we not only hon...

Urban planting and its impact on environments and susta...

Urban planting is all about growing plants in a city environment, which can invo...

Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
SGTJ - We believe in unity, Jesus' love, and service.
SGTJ - We believe in unity, Jesus' love, and service.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.
Sponsor to Give Hope, Transform, and Uplift Lives.

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